The Ark is our nickname for the Llandilo Community Hall ... where every Friday night we run a Kid's Club for primary school aged children in years 3-6.

Running from 5PM - 7PM it is late enough to give kids time to get home from school and early enough to not interfere with other activities (such as getting up early the next morning)! Every week consists of both indoor and outdoor activities and games, arts and crafts, a short and simple Bible story, as well as a simple dinner about halfway through. Every month also includes an extra special activity or event (e.g., outdoor movie night, make your own pizza, or even Flip Out)!

Fridays @ 5PM - 7PM

For Primary School kids (7 - 13 yrs. old)

Llandilo Community Hall

Seventh Ave, Llandilo (opposite the school)

Cost: $5.00 per child or $10.00 for a family of 3 or more children

Children must be signed in and out
by a parent or authorised guardian

Friends • Games • Indoor and Outdoor Activities • Dinner each week • Arts & Craft ... and GOD

Please note: All of our team members and leaders have completed training in
Creating Safe Spaces, have been properly screened, and have a valid Working with Children Number.

We believe that ...

  • Every child is created in the image of God ... and is therefore endowed with dignity, value, uniqueness, and particular talents, gifts, and strengths with which to contribute meaningfully to the wider world, local community, and families in which they have been placed.

  • Every child long’s for and seeks security, significance, self-worth – knowing that they matter to others, that they are safe, and that life itself is meaningful and filled with wonder, joy, and hope. They are not a mistake, an inconvenience, or a distraction from things which are more important. Rather, every child is a miracle, reminding us that God remains committed to both the world in general … and to our human good and flourishing in particular.

  • Every child is created with a body, soul, and spirit. Therefore, every child should be encouraged to care for their physical and emotional selves – developing healthy and respectful relationships with others, cultivating emotional resilience, compassion, fair play / justice, a proper self-esteem, seeking after the good of others, and to consider both their purpose and direction in life.

  • Every child has a right to feel valued, safe, respected, heard, and treated as such. Consequently, having been created by God, for God, and in the image and likeness of God, every child matters to Him and is loved in such a way that He (God) threatens terrible things towards any person who would intentionally harm, devalue, and / or exploit such children by means of physical, emotional, spiritual or any other abuse.

  • Children occupy a special place in the heart of God and in the ministry of Jesus Christ. This is seen most clearly in Jesus’ command to “let the little come to me and do not hinder them,” to all persons to “receive the kingdom of God like a child,” and by God’s frequent references to Himself as a compassionate “Father” with a particular concern for children, widows, orphans, the alien / refugee, and the poor, the weak, and the vulnerable.

For a full disclosure of our Aims, Beliefs, and Working Principles please click here.